Strategic Transformation of Higher Education

Challenges and Solutions in a Global Economy

By (author) Stewart E. Sutin, W. James Jacob

Publication date:

30 September 2016

Length of book:

216 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

ISBN-13: 9781475821086

Strategic Transformation of Higher Education examines the broken revenue-driven business model characteristic of higher education in an environment that demands greater access, more affordable tuition, accountable leaders, and faculty who deliver a consistently high quality of relevant education. The authors demonstrate that enduring business models must support institutional academic missions and that they are integral to systemic and strategic transformation by diagnosing the case for change and offering a practitioners’ guide for reform.

This book surveys deficient government education policies, practices and funding formulas of select countries and offers remedies. It identifies impediments to change, along with ways to develop and deliver evidence-based solutions to improve institutional effectiveness and operating efficiencies, and it cites exemplars of change in these areas. Special attention is given to leadership attributes requisite of driving institutional redesign and to a paradigm shift that calls for transition from knowledge creation to plan implementation.
Strategic Transformation of Higher Education emphasizes a collective need for reflection, a will to consistently question prevailing assumptions, and the courage to afford practical application to innovation.
Strategic Transformation of Higher Education offers readers a powerful rationale and strategy for change, as well as the global imperative to do so — and sooner than later. It is a must-read for all policy makers, college and university trustees, administrators, and especially the faculty of higher education who will find practical suggestions and strategies for moving forward with much-needed reforms in providing more students with successful learning experiences and an education that provides them with the skills they need for living and succeeding in an increasingly complex and competitive global environment.