Diasporic Subjectivity and Cultural Brokering in Contemporary Post-Colonial Literatures

Edited by Igor Maver

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Publication date:

16 June 2009

Length of book:

196 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9780739129722

Diasporic writing simultaneously asserts a sense of belonging and expresses a sense of being 'ethnic' in a society of immigration. The essays in this volume explore how contemporary diasporic writers in English use their works to mediate this dissonance and seek to work through the ethical, political, and personal affiliations of diasporic identities and subjectivities. The essays call for a remapping of post-colonial literatures and a reevaluation of the Anglophone literary canon by including post-colonial diasporic literary discourses. Demonstrating that an intercultural dialogue and constant cultural brokering are a must in our post-colonial world, this volume is a valuable contribution to the ongoing discourse on post-colonial diasporic literatures and identities.
Diasporic Subjectivity and Cultural Brokering in Contemporary Post-Colonial Literatures should prove to be a central text for university courses in world literature in English and post-colonial critical theory. Focusing on writing that reflects themigrations of huge populations across the globe, the internationally recognized authors of these essays provide astute insights into the questions of identity and subjectivity within the framework of contemporary cultural continuities and disjunctions. Professor Maver has selected an excellent group of essays, and his fine introduction nicely situates them within the major concerns of post-colonial studies...