Minorities of Europeanization

The New Others of European Social Identity

By (author) Hakan Ovunc Ongur

Hardback - £88.00

Publication date:

13 November 2014

Length of book:

196 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9780739181485

What are the societal effects of Europeanization? How successful is the EU’s project to create an overarching European identity representative of all its citizens, transcending national boundaries, and including those previously excluded as national minorities? This study addresses these questions by adapting the Social Identity Theory’s (SIT) concept of “social identity” to the discussions of “European identity,” offering a novel approach that remedies previous definitional and ontological problems of the term.

The conceptualization of a “European social identity” is generated here to invite a reconsideration of conventional understandings of how minorities’ group identities are formed. Presenting itself as a challenge to nations and nationality, the European integration process has yet to achieve its supra-national ideal, falling instead into the trap of nationalizing those who are subsumed under the category of minorities in practice—arguably because of a faulty theoretical understanding of the term. The new “Others” of Europeanization have been chosen specifically to emphasize, despite the EU’s “united in diversity” rhetoric, the marked lack of united destiny and common heritage of selected European nationals. Among these new Others, Russophones in the Baltic states, the Roma people, populations of the Western Balkans, immigrants and guest workers, and Muslims residing in European countries have all been excluded from Europe’s new social identity. Through in-depth historical analysis, this book aims to correct this problem, providing both European studies and broader political science literatures with a new understanding of minorities that is more dynamic both in practice and theory.
Ongur analyzes both ‘minorities of Europeanization’ and ‘Europeanization of minorities’, arguing that groups such as Roma, populations of the Western Balkans, immigrants, Russophones in the Baltic states, and Muslims in Europe are excluded from an emerging European social identity that is not imposed top-down but grows organically. This book is a useful corrective to those who expect that a supranational European citizenship will easily overcome historical differences and discord.