Old Neb and the Ghost Ship

By (author) Lois Swoboda Illustrated by Leslie Wallace

Paperback - £7.99

Publication date:

01 December 2015

Length of book:

126 pages


Pineapple Press

ISBN-13: 9781561647972

Old Neb and the Ghost Ship is a charming story about the children of the lighthouse keeper on a pristine barrier island four miles off Florida's Gulf Coast. Their summer days are spent swimming, soaking up the sun, and looking for adventure under the watchful eyes of Old Neb, a shaggy and remarkable horse with a mind of his own.

In this adventure, twelve-year-old Betty sees a black ship with flashing lights through fog on the bay, their garden scarecrow seems to move, and Old Neb is mysteriously lame. The cause for these mysteries is finally revealed, and Neb turns out to be a hero. This is the second book in the Old Neb series for middle school readers.

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