Food Choices

The Ultimate Teen Guide

By (author) Robin F. Brancato

Hardback - £48.00

Publication date:

19 March 2010

Length of book:

240 pages


Scarecrow Press

ISBN-13: 9780810861091

There are a host of books on dieting, nutrition, cooking, and all other areas related to food, yet books targeted to teens tend to emphasize weight and the dangers of unhealthy eating. Food Choices: The Ultimate Teen Guide provides teens with a new look at food and eating. In this book, author Robin Brancato chooses not to dwell on food-related pathologies like anorexia, bulimia, or obesity. Instead, she guides teens into a greater knowledge and enjoyment of food and healthy eating.

This book discusses numerous topics related to food and eating, including the biological and chemical reasons we prefer certain foods and the eating habits that are unique to teens today. This book also covers the latest medical research, the vast amount of literature on weight loss and dieting, and the cultural influences that affect what food we eat. Throughout, teens are presented with the best tips on how to develop healthy eating habits for a lifetime of enjoying food.
This handbook, written for teenagers, presents information on healthy eating and making good food choices. Brancato, a young adult author, covers numerous food related topics such as cultural food preferences, food safety, weight loss, nutrition, shopping, cooking, and eating out. Organized into thirteen chapters, the information is often arranged in boxes with quotes from teenagers along the sidebar. Black and white photographs appear throughout the work.