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Publication date:

13 July 2017

Length of book:

180 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9781498543422

Today, consumers of video games spend over $22.4 billion each year; using more complex and multi-layered strategies, game developers attempt to extend the profitability of their products from a simple one-time sale, to continuous engagement with the consumer. The Evolution and Social Impact of Video Game Economics examines paradigmatic changes in the economic structure of the video game industry from a media effects and game design perspective. This book explores how game developers have changed how they engage players in order to facilitate continuous financial transactions. Contributors look from the advent of microtransactions and downloadable content (DLCs) to the impact of planned obsolescence, impulse buying, and emotional control. This collection takes a broad view of the game dynamics and market forces that drive the video game industry, and features international contributors from Asia, Europe, and Australia.
The reality of the video game industry is that it is a business and economic forces have tremendous impact upon its growth and development. The Evolution and Social Impact of Video Game Economics functions as a valuable guide to game scholars for understanding how such forces interact with the games that they play and study.