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Publication date:

22 March 2012

Length of book:

278 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9780739166376

Taking Socialism Seriously raises essential questions about what socialism is and how socialists can reach it by addressing a long list of potential quandaries. The contributions compiled by Anatole Anton and Richard Schmitt describe how socialism differs from a reformed and more humane form of capitalism. Various chapters discuss suitable forms of love and family in a socialist society and economic arrangements within a socialist system. They also break important new paths by calling for significant social change, examining detailed questions that have previously been neglected and setting a new direction for radical theorists. Critics are often convinced that there is no alternative and therefore are content to reform capitalism. This book affirms that another world is possible.
A half dozen of our finest Marxist philosophers have outdone themselves in Taking Socialism Seriously. The Occupied Wall Street movement will not find a better guide to help them think through the deeper problems and possibilities of the new political landscape with which they have surprised us all. HIGHEST MARX (and an additional gold star for the exemplary clarity with which even the most difficult questions have been presented throughout)!