Paperback - £41.00

Publication date:

19 December 2006

Length of book:

244 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

ISBN-13: 9780742537309

This book reinvigorates the debate on the Mexican Revolution, exploring what this pivotal event meant to women. The contributors offer a fresh look at women's participation in their homes and workplaces and through politics and community activism. They show how women of diverse backgrounds with differing goals were actively involved, first in military roles during the violent early phase of civil war, and later in the state-building process. Drawing on a variety of perspectives, the volume illuminates the ways women variously accepted, contested, used, and manipulated the revolutionary project in Mexico. All too often, attention has been limited to elite, pro-revolutionary women's formal political activities, particularly their pursuit of suffrage. This timely volume broadens traditional perspectives, drawing on new scholarship that considers grassroots participation in institution building and the contested nature of the revolutionary process. Recovering narratives that have been virtually written out of the historical record, this book brings us a rich and complex array of women's experiences in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary era in Mexico.
This fascinating collection of essays puts women's history at the forefront of the Mexican Revolution and identifies women's complex political participation. This volume should encourage a debate about how revolutionary ideology in Mexico placed women at the margins at the same time that mothers formed the core of Mexican modernity.