Prepectoral Techniques in Reconstructive Breast Surgery

Edited by Allen Gabriel MD, FACS, Maurice Y. Nahabedian MD, FACS, Steven R Sigalove MD, FACS, G. Patrick Maxwell MD

Hardback - £191.99

Publication date:

31 October 2018

Length of book:

176 pages





ISBN-13: 9781496388278

The practice of tissue expander/implant based pre-pectoral breast reconstruction holds great promise for superior cosmetic results, less pain, and a shorter recovery period. Pre-Pectoral Techniques in Reconstructive Breast Surgery is the first reference to cover this timely area in depth, offering step-by-step descriptions of current procedures.
  • Shares the knowledge and expertise of well-known plastic surgeons who have experience in pre-pectoral techniques.
  • Features comprehensive coverage of all aspects of surgery; including illustrated, step-by-step descriptions of procedures.
  • Covers assessment of tissue perfusion, current evidence in pre-pectoral reconstruction, the roles of ADM and fat grafting, patient selection, complications, and postoperative considerations.
  • Discusses radio therapy with variety of patient presentations including, failed breast conservation therapy patient requiring mastectomy, planned radio therapy patient undergoing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, and delayed reconstruction patient following mastectomy desiring reconstruction.
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"This book outlines the rationale, scientific basis, and techniques of tissue expander/implant-based prepectoral breast reconstruction surgery.
The intended audience is reconstructive breast surgeons.
Each chapter begins with key points. Topics are succinctly presented in a manner that is easy to comprehend. The authors first offer a historical perspective on breast implant placement. The subsequent chapters then discuss acellular dermal matrix incorporation; guiding principles in mastectomy and nipple sparing techniques along with optimal placement of the incisions for these procedures.  A chapter on assessing tissue viability is followed by a discussion of various prepectoral implant approaches and accompanying ancillary procedures that have been found to be beneficial for the reconstructive breast surgery patient. These procedures include: breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix; data that corroborates that prepectoral placement is optimal; fat grafting; patient selection and the use of this modality in the high body mass index individual; timing for reconstruction with consideration of radiation, tissue expansion, conversion of implants to another plane; and complications and postoperative considerations, along with cancer surveillance unique to the prepectoral placement of implants. The last chapter highlights the economic rationale for this technique.
The authors present a sound alternative for breast reconstruction which may shift surgeons from the reconstructive techniques they have previously employed."
Weighted Numerical Score: 80 - 3 Stars