Contributions by
Gerd Richter, Howard Brody, Larry R. Churchill, Lawrence W. White, Norman Daniels, Rory B. Weiner, Theodore Marmor, Timothy Engstrom, Tobie H. Olsan, Uwe E. Reinhardt, Wade L. Robison Edited by
Timothy H. Engström, Wade L. Robison
Contributions by
Eric J. Engstrom, Hans Pols, Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach, John C. Burnham, Louise Westwood, Mark Jackson, Mathew Thomson, Pamela Michael, Paul Weindling, Professor Rhodri Hayward, Volker Roelcke Edited by
Volker Roelcke, Paul Weindling, Louise Westwood
Contributions by
Adriana Blache, Ahmed M. Musa, Clemens Greiner, Cory Rodgers, Doris Okenwa, Fana Gebresenbet, Gregory Akall, Hannah Elliott, Ian Scoones, James Drew, Jeremy Lind, Linda Engström, Marie Ladekjær Gravesen, Ngala Chome, Simone Rettberg Edited by
Jeremy Lind, Doris Okenwa, Ian Scoones
Contributions by
Aaron Kelly, Claude Willan, Dan Kim, Elaine Treharne, Emma Cayley, Giovanni Scorcionni, Greg Walker, Matthew Aiello, Sarah Ogilvie, Timothy Powell Edited by
Elaine Treharne, Greg Walker
Contributions by
David Clampitt, David Lewin, Jack Douthett, John Clough, Jonathan Kochavi, Julian Hook, Nora Engebretsen, Richard Cohn, Stephen Soderberg, Timothy Johnson Edited by
Jack Douthett, Martha Hyde, Charles J. Smith
Contributions by
Professor A. S. G. Edwards, Ann Higgins, Cathy Hume, Derek Pearsall, Emily Runde, Helen Phillips, Marisa Libbon, Miceal F. Vaughan, Patrick Butler, Ralph Hanna, Siobhain Bly Calkin, Susanna Fein, Timothy Shonk, Venetia Bridges Edited by
Susanna Fein
Contributions by
Bernard Doumerc, Francisco C Domingues, Ian Friel, Jan Bill, Jan Glete, John B. Hattendorf, John Dotson, John Pryor, Lawrence V Mott, Louis Sicking, Marco Gemignani, Michel Balard, Nicholas A.M. Rodger, Niels Lund, Richard W. Unger, Timothy J Runyan Edited by
John B. Hattendorf, Richard W. Unger
Contributions by
Benjamin Savill, Bruce O'Brien, Catherine E. Karkov, Charles Insley, Professor Elisabeth M C van Houts, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Emily Ward, John B Gillingham, Julia C Crick, Lois Lane, Niels Lund, Peter Sigurdson Lunga, Rebecca Thomas, Rory Naismith, Sarah Foot, Stephanie Christelow, Timothy Bolton Edited by
Laura Ashe, Emily Ward
The cataclysmic conquests of the eleventh century are here set together for the first time.
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Contributions by
Timothy Hampton, Isabelle Fernbach, Phillip John Usher, Bernd Renner, Margaret Harp, Michael Randall, Stephanie Lecompte, Valerie Worth-Stylianou, Philip Ford, Corinne Noirot-Maguire, Todd Reeser, Katherine Maynard Edited by
Phillip John Usher, Isabelle Fernbach
Contributions by
Kevin Linch, Matthew Lord, Dr Jacqueline Reiter, Dr George Hay, Professor PeterDoyle, Robert Tildesley, Dr Gavin Daly, Dr Michael Reeve, Dr Edward Gosling, Timothy Bowman, Adam Prime, Dr Eleanor O'Keeffe, Professor Ian Beckett, Dr Christina Welsch Edited by
Kevin Linch, Matthew Lord