Contributions by
Birger Vanwesenbeeck, Darién J Davis, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Jeffrey Berlin, John Warren, Klaus Weissenberger, Klemens Renoldner, Mark H. Gelber, Marlen Eckl, Richard V. Benson, Robert Kelz, Robert Weldon Whalen Edited by
Birger Vanwesenbeeck, Mark H. Gelber
Contributions by
Charles Mackerras, Charles Rosen, David Gable, Professor David Schulenberg, Elliott Carter, James Webster, Jeffrey Kallberg, Joseph Kerman, Julian Rushton, Laszlo Somfai, Leo Treitler, Prof Lewis Lockwood, Philip Gossett, Pierre Boulez, Prof. Robert Winter, Richard Kramer, Robert Curry, Professor Emeritus Robert L. Marshall, Robert P. Morgan, Distinguished Professor of Music Scott Burnham, Walter Frisch, William Kinderman Edited by
Robert Curry, David Gable, Professor Emeritus Robert L. Marshall
Contributions by
Andreas Gailus, Anette Horn, Professor Bernd Fischer, Bernhard Greiner, Professor Christian Moser, David Pan, Dorothea von Muecke, Dr. David Chisholm-Univ. of Arizona, Helmut J. Schneider, Hilda Brown, Jeffrey L. High, Jonathan Marshall, Nancy Nobile, Peter Barton, Peter Horn, Ricarda Schmidt, Seán Allan, Tim Mehigan, Wolf Kittler Edited by
Professor Bernd Fischer, Tim Mehigan
Contributions by
Geoffrey Kantaris, Francisco Ortega, Joanna Page, Stephen M Hart, Erica Segre, Jesús Martín Barbero, Lúcia Sá, Chandra Morrison, Professor Claire Taylor, Rory O'Bryen, Andrea Noble, Ed King Edited by
Geoffrey Kantaris, Rory O'Bryen
Contributions by
Andrea Titterington, Anthony Bateman, Daphné Bolz, David Storey, Honor Godfrey, Jason Wood, Jean Williams, Jed Smith, Jeffrey Hill, John K. Walton, Kevin Moore, Matthew Taylor, Max Dunbar, Mike McGuinness, Neil Skinner, Ray Physick, Richard Holt, Santiago De Pablo, Stephen Done, Tim O'Sullivan, Wray Vamplew Edited by
Jeffrey Hill, Kevin Moore, Jason Wood
Contributions by
Cormac Begadon, James E. Kelly, Laurence Lux-Sterritt, Professor Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin, Professor John McCafferty, Caroline Bowden, Dr Jaime Goodrich, Dr Jessica McCandless, Geoffrey Scott, Dr Liam Chambers, Dr Thomas McInally, Dr Shaun Blanchard Edited by
Cormac Begadon, James E. Kelly
Contributions by
Angus Hawkins, Antony Taylor, Geoffrey Hicks, Gordon Pentland, Ian Packer, Kathryn Rix, Luke Blaxill, Matthew Roberts, Paul Readman, Philip Salmon, Phillips Payson O'Brien, Professor T. G. Otte Edited by
T.G. Otte, Paul Readman
Contributions by
Carrie Collenberg-Gonzalez, Dennis F. Mahoney, Edward T. Larkin, Ellis Dye, F. J. Lamport, Professor Gail K. Hart, Helen Kilgallen, Ian Codding, Jeffrey L. High, Lesley Sharpe, Nicholas Martin, Otto Johnston, Tanya Doss Edited by
Jeffrey L. High
Contributions by
Dagmar C. G. Lorenz, Douglas Crow, Ernst Grabovszki, Geoffrey C. Howes, Professor Hillary Hope Herzog, Janet Stewart, Professor John Pizer, Ruediger Goerner, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio, Todd Herzog, Willy Riemer Edited by
Ernst Grabovszki, James Hardin
Contributions by
Professor Bernd Fischer, Professor David V. Pugh, Dennis F. Mahoney, Ehrhard Bahr, Elisabeth Krimmer, Erik Knoedler, Frederick Burwick, Fritz Heuer, Professor Gail K. Hart, Hans Hiebel, Henrik Sponsel, Professor Emeritus Jeffrey L Sammons, Jeffrey L. High, Jennifer Driscoll Colosimo, Professor John A. McCarthy, Jörg Robert, Laura Anna Macor, María del Rosario Acosta, Matthew Bell, Nicholas Martin, Norbert Oellers, Paul E. Kerry, Peter Pabisch, Ritchie Robertson, T. J. Reed, Walter Hinderer, Wolfgang Riedel, Yvonne Nilges Edited by
Jeffrey L. High, Nicholas Martin, Norbert Oellers
Contributions by
Agustin Guimerá, Andrew Lambert, Dr Benjamin Darnell, Carla Rahn Phillips, Duncan Redford, Evan Wilson, Geoffrey Till, George C. Peden, J. Ross Dancy, Jaap R. Bruijn, Jakob Seerup, James Goldrick, Keizo Kitagawa, Matthew S Seligmann, Nicholas A.M. Rodger, Olivier Chaline, Paul Kennedy, Paul M. Ramsey, Peter John Brobst, Roger Knight, Tim Benbow, Werner Rahn Edited by
Nicholas A.M. Rodger, J. Ross Dancy, Benjamin Darnell, and Evan Wilson
Contributions by
Claudia Liebrand, Eric Ames, Gerhard Weiss, Gerhild Scholz Williams, Hinrich C. Seeba, Jeffrey A. Grossman, Professor Emeritus Jeffrey L Sammons, Professsor Kirsten "Kit" Belgum, Linda Rugg, Lorie A. Vanchena, Matt Erlin, Professor Paul Michael Lützeler, Robert C. Holub Edited by
Lynne Tatlock, Matt Erlin
Contributions by
Jeffrey Todd, Jens Rieckmann, Karla L. Schultz, Marita Keilson-Lauritz, Michael Metzger, Michael Winkler, Paul Bishop, Ritchie Robertson, Robert Vilain, William Waters Edited by
Jens Rieckmann