Contributions by
Adrian Jobson, Björn Weiler, Charlotte Pickard, Daniel Gneckow, David Stephenson, Diana Martins, Fernando Arias Guillén, Gordon McKelvie, Dr Harriet Kersey, Kim Bergqvist, Martin Kaufhold, Michael Hicks, Milan Pajic, Dr Philippa Byrne, Simon Egan, Tamás Pálosfalvi Edited by
Adrian Jobson, Dr Harriet Kersey, Gordon McKelvie
Contributions by
Adrian Jobson, Björn Weiler, Charlotte Pickard, Daniel Gneckow, David Stephenson, Diana Martins, Fernando Arias Guillén, Gordon McKelvie, Dr Harriet Kersey, Kim Bergqvist, Martin Kaufhold, Michael Hicks, Milan Pajic, Dr Philippa Byrne, Simon Egan, Tamás Pálosfalvi Edited by
Adrian Jobson, Dr Harriet Kersey, Gordon McKelvie
Contributions by
Aníbal Biglieri, Frederick A de Armas, Lucy K. Pick, Matthew Bailey, Mercedes Vaquero, Ryan D. Giles Edited by
Matthew Bailey, Ryan D. Giles
Contributions by
Professor A. S. G. Edwards, Professor Alastair J. Minnis, Alberto Lazaro, Ana Saez-Hidalgo, Professor Andrew Galloway, Barbara A Shailor, Professor Clara Pascual-Argente, David R. Carlson, Ethan Knapp, Fernando Galván, Maria Bullon-Fernandez, Maria Luisa Lopez Vidriero, Marta María Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Matthew McCabe, Mauricio Herrero Jiménez, R F Yeager, Robert R. Edwards, Roger A. Ladd, Sian Echard, Tamara Pérez-Fernández, Tiago Viúla de Faria, Winthrop Wetherbee Edited by
Ana Saez-Hidalgo, R F Yeager
Contributions by
Charles B Faulhaber, Gemma Avenoza, Nieves Baranda, Vivenç Beltran, Alberto Blecua, Pedro M. Cátedra, Alan Deyermond, Aida Fernanda Dias, Thomas F. Earle, Maria del Mar Fernandez Vega, Manuel da Costa Fontes, Helder Godinho, Angel Gomez Moreno, Thomas R Hart, Ana Hatherly, Paul Lewis-Smith, David Hook, Victor Infantes, Beatriz Mariscal Hay, Aires A. Nascimento, Joao David Pinto-Correia, Harvey L Sharrer, Dorothy S. Severin Edited by
Martha E. Schaffer, Antonio Cortijo Ocana
Contributions by
Anias Mutekwa, Anna-Leena Toivanen, Bill Ashcroft, David Huddart, Eddie Tay, Grant Hamilton, Madhlozi Moyo, Mark P. Williams, Memory Chirere, Tinashe Mushakavanhu Edited by
Grant Hamilton
Contributions by
Cristina Moya, Federico Accorsi, Fernando Gómez Redondo, Florence Serrano, Gonzalo Pontón, Guido Cappelli, Jesus D Rodriguez Velasco, José Julio Martín Romero, Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio Edited by
Cristina Moya
Contributions by
Dr Alejandro García-Reidy, Alexander W Samson, Ali Rizavi, Arantza Mayo, Barbara Mujica, David Johnston, David McGrath, Duncan Wheeler, Edward H Friedman, Elaine Canning, Frederick A de Armas, Geraint Evans, Professor Geraldine Hazbun, Isabel Torres, Jonathan W Thacker, José María Ruano de la Haza, Tyler Fisher, Victor Dixon, Xavier Tubau Edited by
Alexander W Samson, Jonathan W Thacker
Introduction by
Rita Costa-Gomes Contributions by
Dr Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta Translated by
Professor Clive Willis, Professor Iona McCleery, Dr Francisco Fernandes, Shirley Clarke Edited and translated by
Juliet Perkins, Dr Philip Krummrich General editor
Professor Amélia P Hutchinson, Teresa Amado
Introduction by
Professor Josiah Blackmore Contributions by
Dr Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta Translated by
Professor Clive Willis, Professor Iona McCleery, Dr Francisco Fernandes, Shirley Clarke Edited and translated by
Juliet Perkins, Dr Philip Krummrich General editor
Professor Amélia P Hutchinson, Teresa Amado
Contributions by
Andrea Ostrov, Ashley Hope Perez, Daniel Balderston, Fernanda Zullo-Ruiz, Fiona J. Mackintosh, Giulia Poggi, Judith Podlubne, Maria Julia Rossi, Marjorie Agosin, Noemi Ulla, Patricia Klingenberg Edited by
Patricia Klingenberg, Fernanda Zullo-Ruiz
Contributions by
Alfredo Suppia, Ana Maria Acker, Cecília Mello, Fabio Camarneiro, Fernanda Santos, Filipe Falcão, Gabriel Perrone, João Vitor Leal, Dr Laura Loguercio Cánepa, Lucas Procópio Caetano, Mariana Souto, Michael MJ Fischer, Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha, Rodrigo Carreiro, Professor Stephanie Dennison, Tiago Monteiro, Yuri Garcia, Zuleika de Paula Bueno Edited by
Professor Stephanie Dennison, Dr Laura Loguercio Cánepa
Contributions by
Adrian Jobson, Andrew H. Hershey, Benjamin L. Wild, Christopher Tilley, Professor David X. Carpenter, Fergus Oakes, H W Ridgeway, John McEwan, Lars Kjaer, Louise J. Wilkinson, Mario Fernandes, Nick Barratt, Peter Coss, Sophie Ambler, Tony K. Moore Edited by
Adrian Jobson
Contributions by
Rebecca Davis, Bernardo Sarmiento Hinojosa, Dr Ann Hubert, Tim W Machan, Professor Alastair J. Minnis, Dr Eleanor Myerson, Professor Ellen Rentz, Prof Elise Wang Edited by
Philip Knox, Laura Ashe, Professor Kellie Robertson, Professor Wendy Scase
Contributions by
Professor Christopher J. Crosbie, William A. Coulter, Rachel M. De Smith Roberts, Dr Jesse B. Russell, Dr Scott C. Lucas, Professor Timothy Pyles, Dr Shepherd Aaron Ellis, Dr Janet G. Stephens, Dr Weiao Xing, Dr Jean Marie Christensen, Dr Fernando Martínez-Periset Edited by
James M Pearce, Professor Ward J. Risvold Guest editor
Professor William Given
Contributions by
Alison Sinclair, Andrew Ginger, Aniceto Masferrer, Belén Jiménez Alonso, Fernando Vicente Albarrán, Isabel Clúa Ginés, Professor Jo Labanyi, Matt Dyson, Nuria Godón, Óscar Bascuñán Añover, Patricia McDermott, Raquel Sánchez, Rubén Pallol, Samuel Llano, Wadda C. Ríos-Font Edited by
Alison Sinclair, Samuel Llano
Contributions by
Alfredo Suppia, Ana Maria Acker, Cecília Mello, Fabio Camarneiro, Fernanda Santos, Filipe Falcão, Gabriel Perrone, João Vitor Leal, Dr Laura Loguercio Cánepa, Lucas Procópio Caetano, Mariana Souto, Michael MJ Fischer, Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha, Rodrigo Carreiro, Professor Stephanie Dennison, Tiago Monteiro, Yuri Garcia, Zuleika de Paula Bueno Edited by
Professor Stephanie Dennison, Dr Laura Loguercio Cánepa
Contributions by
Alessandra Petrina, Ashby Kinch, Christiane J. Hessler, Edelgard E DuBruck, Franco Mormando, Jonathan Green, Leonardas V. Gerulaitis, Lidia Amor, Rocio del Rio Fernandez, Tracy Adams Edited by
Edelgard E DuBruck, Barbara I Gusick
Introduction by
Professor Christopher Given-Wilson, Nicholas G Round, David Green Contributions by
Dr Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta Translated by
Professor Clive Willis, Professor Iona McCleery, Dr Francisco Fernandes, Shirley Clarke Edited and translated by
Juliet Perkins, Dr Philip Krummrich General editor
Professor Amélia P Hutchinson, Teresa Amado
Introduction by
Tiago Viúla de Faria Contributions by
Dr Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta Translated by
Professor Clive Willis, Professor Iona McCleery, Dr Francisco Fernandes, Shirley Clarke Edited and translated by
Juliet Perkins, Dr Philip Krummrich General editor
Professor Amélia P Hutchinson, Teresa Amado
Contributions by
Professor D W Cruickshank, Jeremy Robbins, Dr Alejandro García-Reidy, Jeremy Lawrance, Colin Thompson, Professor Margaret R Greer, Dr Isabel Hernando, Professor Ignacio Arellano Ayuso, Dr Oliver Noble Wood, Professor Santiago Fernández Mosquera, Ritchie Robertson, Duncan Wheeler Edited by
Roy Norton, Jonathan W Thacker
Contributions by
Dr María Barrigón, Naḥum Ben-Yehuda, Professor Adela Fábregas, Dr Máximo Diago Hernando, Professor Manuela Marín, Susana Mateus, Professor Germán Navarro Espinach, Dr David Nogales Rincón, Dr Merche Osés Urricelqui, Gale R Owen-Crocker, Dr Joana Sequeira, Dr Dolores Serrano-Niza, Dr Esperança Valls Pujol, Professor Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros Edited by
Gale R Owen-Crocker, Dr María Barrigón, Naḥum Ben-Yehuda, Dr Joana Sequeira