Contributions by
Charles B Faulhaber, Gemma Avenoza, Nieves Baranda, Vivenç Beltran, Alberto Blecua, Pedro M. Cátedra, Alan Deyermond, Aida Fernanda Dias, Thomas F. Earle, Maria del Mar Fernandez Vega, Manuel da Costa Fontes, Helder Godinho, Angel Gomez Moreno, Thomas R Hart, Ana Hatherly, Paul Lewis-Smith, David Hook, Victor Infantes, Beatriz Mariscal Hay, Aires A. Nascimento, Joao David Pinto-Correia, Harvey L Sharrer, Dorothy S. Severin Edited by
Martha E. Schaffer, Antonio Cortijo Ocana
Contributions by
Ann Williams, Charles C. Rozier, Danica Summerlin, Emma Cavell, Fraser McNair, John B Gillingham, Katy Cubitt, Mark Hagger, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani Edited by
Professor Stephen D. Church
Contributions by
André Vitória, Charles D. Stanton, Daniel Roach, Howard B. Clarke, John Howe, Monika C Otter, Sarah Foot, Susanna A. Throop Edited by
William North, Laura L Gathagan
Contributions by
Carol B. Thompson, Cyril I. Obi, Franklin Charles Graham IV, Ken Menkhaus, Michael J. Watts, Musambayi Katumanga, Patricia Daley, Patrick B. Johnston, Richard Banegas, Rita Abrahamsen, Theodore Trefon, William Reno Edited by
Rita Abrahamsen
Contributions by
Charles Insley, David Stephenson, Frederick C Suppe, Howard B. Clarke, Huw Pryce, Jeffrey West, John Davies, Judith Everard, Julia Barrow, Laura Ashe, Natasha R. Hodgson, Paul Oldfield, Dr Robert W Jones Edited by
C P Lewis
Contributions by
Amy Livingstone, Andrew Rabin, Catherine Letouzey-Réty, Charles Insley, Constance B Bouchard, David Peterson, Florence H R Scott, Heather J Tanner, Laura E Wangerin, Laura L Gathagan, Leticia Agúndez San Miguel, Richard Barton, Steven Isaac, Prof Dr Steven Vanderputten, Tatum Tullis, Tiffany A Ziegler Edited by
Laura L Gathagan, Charles Insley
Contributions by
Amy Livingstone, Andrew Rabin, Catherine Letouzey-Réty, Charles Insley, Constance B Bouchard, David Peterson, Florence H R Scott, Heather J Tanner, Laura E Wangerin, Laura L Gathagan, Leticia Agúndez San Miguel, Richard Barton, Steven Isaac, Prof Dr Steven Vanderputten, Tatum Tullis, Tiffany A Ziegler Edited by
Laura L Gathagan, Charles Insley
Contributions by
Constance B Bouchard, Francesca Petrizzo, John D Cotts, Markus Krumm, Dr Mary Elizabeth Blanchard, Robin Reich, Ryan Kemp, Sarah Hamilton, William J Purkis Edited by
Laura L Gathagan, William North, Charles C. Rozier
Contributions by
Professor Anjeana K. Hans, Barbara Hales, Bastian Heinsohn, Brook Henkel, Christian Rogowski, Kalani Michell, Kevin B. Johnson, Margrit Frölich, Mihaela Petrescu, Owen Lyons, Paul Flaig, Richard W. McCormick, Valerie Weinstein, Wilfried Wilms PhD Edited by
Barbara Hales, Mihaela Petrescu, Valerie Weinstein
Contributions by
A B Kraebel, Alison I. Beach, Anna De Bakker, C J Jones, Cara Aspesi, Charles C. Rozier, David Ganz, Dr Henry Parkes, James Grier, K.A. Bugyis, Lauren L. Whitnah, Lori Kruckenberg, Margot E. Fassler, Paul A. Hayward, Peter Jeffery, Rosamond D McKitterick, Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn, Susan K Rankin, Tessa Webber Edited by
Professor Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, A B Kraebel, Margot E. Fassler
Contributions by
Charles Insley, David Bates, David Roffe, Emma Mason, Hirokazu Tsurushima, Judith Everard, K S B Keats-Rohan, Lucy Marten, Mark Hagger, Pamela Taylor, Sally Harvey, Simon Keynes, Professor Stephen D. Church, Valentine Fallan, Vanessa King, William M. Aird Edited by
David Roffe
Contributions by
Benjamin Savill, Bruce O'Brien, Catherine E. Karkov, Charles Insley, Professor Elisabeth M C van Houts, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Emily Ward, John B Gillingham, Julia C Crick, Lois Lane, Niels Lund, Peter Sigurdson Lunga, Rebecca Thomas, Rory Naismith, Sarah Foot, Stephanie Christelow, Timothy Bolton Edited by
Laura Ashe, Emily Ward
The cataclysmic conquests of the eleventh century are here set together for the first time.
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Contributions by
Amanda J Gerber, Elaine Treharne, Holly James-Maddocks, Linnet Heald, Mateusz Fafinski, Megan Renz Perry, Michael Sizer, R F Yeager, Stephen De Hailes Edited by
Laura Ashe, Philip Knox, Caroline Batten, Professor Wendy Scase