Sessions of the Peace for Bedfordshire 1355-1359, 1363-1364

Edited by Elisabeth G. Kimball

Ebook (VitalSource) - £19.99

Publication date:

01 January 1969

Length of book:

173 pages


Bedfordshire Historical Record Society



ISBN-13: 9781800107366

Sessions of the Peace for Bedfordshire 1355-1359, 1363-1364

The analytical introduction describes the two rolls, the commissions of the peace, the justices who presided over the session, the place and work of the sessions, the offences and the punishment of offenders. The Latin transcriptions of the entries are provided with English summaries. The majority of cases (c. 200) were common law trespasses of one sort or another (assault, fighting, taking goods, disturbing the peace, threatening behaviour, etc.) More serious crimes classed as felonies (petty treason, homicide, larceny, robbery and accessories to these offences) accounted for less than 50 cases. One of these serious offences was by the parson of Eversholt who wounded a man, fled to his rectory, and killed one of the men sent to arrest him.
The rolls only record the offence and, usually, the outcome. Unfortunately no evidence is recorded so that the whole story is not told.
Prepared by BHRS and jointly published with the Historical Manuscripts Commission.