Fernando Sor

A Bibliography of Published Literature and Music

By (author) Mijndert Jape

Ebook (VitalSource) - £19.99

Publication date:

07 May 2014

Length of book:

160 pages


Pendragon Press

ISBN-13: 9781576473344

This bibliography is a subject bibliography and hence contains bibliographic descriptions of documents published about one subject, viz Fernando Sor (1778-1839). The entries have been classified systematically. Within the systematic classification, the documents have been arranged chronologically by year of appearance. This system gives an insight into the historical development of musicological research concerning Fernando Sor. The book is a practical guide, which enables the reader to find his way through the published literature, the descriptions of which are widely dispersed and often very brief. The descriptions conform to the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographic Publications and [id.] for Printed Music (ISBD-M and ISBD-PM). Six indexes refine access to the contents, representing entries from 532 authors, 105 periodicals and 154 publishers. Colleagues, publishing houses,librarians and friends, twenty-seven in all, from twelve countries around the world, recognized the importance of the project and spontaneously offered their invaluable collaboration. The bibliography is up-to-date as of March 2013, and is the fruit of many years of musicological research. Fernando Sor: A Bibliography of Published Literature and Music contains detailed descriptions of worldwide historical and contemporary publications brought together for the first time.