The Devonshire Lay Subsidy of 1332

Edited by Audrey M. Erskine

Ebook (VitalSource) - £19.99

Publication date:

01 January 1969

Length of book:

196 pages


Devon and Cornwall Record Society



ISBN-13: 9781800107922

The Devonshire Lay Subsidy Roll records the taxpayers of the county, and the sums they owed to the Exchequer, and is a valuable source for the history of taxation in the period.

The documents known as Lay Subsidy Rolls are the accounts compiled by local assessors setting out the sums owed by taxpayers to the Exchequer for the taxation of their personal wealth. This volume publishes the text for Devon, translated into English. It provides a wealth of information for local history in the fourteenth century, and allows us to see how government administration worked at a local level.