Commercialising Fusion Energy
By (author) David Webbe-Wood, Satoshi Konishi, Shutaro Takeda Contributions by Dr Richard J. Pearson, Dr Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente, Dr Melanie Windridge, Professor Yoshitaka Mori, Professor Howard Wilson, Professor Ian Chapman, Dr Tris Denton, Dr William Morris, Dr Bhavin Patel, Dr Garry Voss, Dr Chris Waldon, Professor Takuya Goto, Dr Hoseok Nam Edited by William Nuttall
Publication date: 22 December 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers
By (author) Willie J Padilla
Publication date: 27 February 2024
Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 1
Contributions by Dr Andrea Leonardi, Dr Fabrizio Andrani, Dr Carola Palla, Dr Arianna Sanna, Professor Michele Anzidei, Dr Michele Porcu, Dr Antonella Balestrieri, Dr Paolo Garofano, Dr Luigi Barberini, Dr Paolo Siotto, Dr James T Grist, Dr Frank Riemer, Dr Tomasz Matys, Dr Rhys Slough, Dr Fulvio Zaccagna, Dr Giuseppe Corrias, Dr Gian Carlo Coghe, Dr Giuseppe Fenu, Dr Jessica Frau, Dr Lorena Lorefice, Dr Eleonora Cocco, Dr Francesco Destro, Dr Gerardo Dessì, Dr Vincenzo Secchi, Dr Maria Elisabetta Barraccu, Dr Thanis Saksirinukul, Dr Roberto Scipione Edited by Luca Saba, Jasjit Suri, Ayman El-Baz
Publication date: 23 October 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Modern Applications of 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging in Radiotherapy
Contributions by Dr Svenja Ipsen, Dr Sarah Mason, Dr Alexander Grimwood, Ms Maria Antico, Dr Alexander Schlaefer, Dr Floris Ernst, Mr Christopher Edwards, Professor Katia Parodi, Dr Walter Assman Edited by Emma Harris, Davide Fontanarosa, Frank Verhaegen, Saskia Camps
Publication date: 16 February 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
Whats the Matter with Waves
By (author) William Parkinson
Like rocket science or brain surgery, quantum mechanics is pigeonholed as a daunting and inaccessible topic, which is best left to an elite few. Authors have run the gamut from hand waving to heavy handed in hopes to dispel this common belief. This particular effort focuses on giving the reader an introduction, if not at least an appreciation of the role that linear algebra techniques play in the practical application of quantum mechanical methods. It includes a number of both worked and parallel applications.
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Publication date: 21 December 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Global Oncology
By (author) Wilfred Ngwa, Dr Paul Nguyen Contributions by Omoruyi Credit Irabor, Juliet Matton, Dr Vanessa Kerry, Dr Neeharika Sinha, Dr Brian Kavanagh, Dr Nazik Hammad, Dr Bruce Curran, Taofeeq Ige, John Flanigan, Janaki Moni, Esther Ikiara, Ahmed Elzawawy, Dr Eduardo Cazap, Seun Adebiyi, Dr Ophira Ginsburg, Dr Marc Williams, Dr Valentine Nebangwa, Dr Eric Tanifum, Lydia Asana, Kenneth Ngwa
Publication date: 30 August 2017
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals
By (author) William A Schwalm
This volume is a basic introduction to certain aspects of elliptic functions and elliptic integrals that has evolved as part of the first semester of a course on theoretical and mathematical methods given to first- and second-year graduate students in physics and chemistry at the University of North Dakota. It introduces the subject as a moderate extension of ordinary trigonometry in which the reference circle is replaced by an ellipse. The complex analytic properties are introduced naturally so that a more complete study becomes possible. Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals is the first volume to be published from the lecture series Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics from William A Schwalm.
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Publication date: 31 December 2015
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Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
By (author) William A Schwalm
This book is the sequel to Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Introduction to Lie Theory with Applications. This volume is devoted mostly to Lie groups, Lie algebras and generating functions, both for standard special functions and for the solution of certain types of physical problems.
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Publication date: 07 March 2019
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Multimessenger Astronomy in Practice
Contributions by Associate Professor Sebastian Gurovich, Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, Professor Thomas Jarrett, Dr Michelle Cluver, Professor Denis Leahy, Dr Pierre Maggi, Associate Professor Gavin Rowell, Dr Clancy James, Dr Paul Lasky, Professor Csaba Balazs, Professor Milan Cirkovic, Associate Professor Branislav Vukotic, Professor Ray Norris Edited by Professor Miroslav Filipovic, Dr Nicholas Tothill
Publication date: 30 December 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Introduction to Lie Theory with Applications
By (author) William A Schwalm
This book provides an introduction to Lie theory for first-year graduate students and professional physicists who may not have come across the theory in their studies. It is an overview of the theory of finite groups, a brief description of a manifold, and an informal development of the theory of one-parameter Lie groups. Interested readers should acquire a tool that is complete and that actually works to simplify or solve differential equations as well as moving them on to other topics.
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Publication date: 12 April 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
The Molecule as Meme
By (author) Jeffrey H Williams
This volume explores the concept of the molecule as a meme, or idea, that had been accepted in the chemistry community and then diffused outwards into the wider scientific community creating? a new field of science, physical chemistry.
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Publication date: 13 November 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Quantifying Measurement
By (author) Jeffrey H Williams
Measurements and experiments are made each and every day, but have you ever wondered why it is that a particular experiment has been designed to be the way it is? Anyone who is interested in the relationship between the precision and accuracy of measurements will find this volume useful. Whether you are a physicist, a chemist, a social scientist, or a student studying one of these subjects, this book will help identify the needle of useful data hidden in the haystack of obscuring background noise.
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Publication date: 01 November 2016
Ebook (VitalSource):
Crystal Engineering
By (author) Jeffrey H Williams
This book is a look at the origin of the molecular architecture of crystals; a topic that is becoming increasingly important and is often termed “crystal engineering”. It is a study of the means of predicting crystal structures and of designing crystals with particular properties by manipulating the structure and interaction of large molecules. That is, creating new crystal architectures with desired physical characteristics in which the molecules pack together in particular architectures; a subject of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry.
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Publication date: 15 September 2017
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Relativity, Symmetry, and the Structure of Quantum Theory, Volume 2
By (author) William H Klink, Wolfgang Schweiger
This book is the second in a series of volumes looking at what particular relativity is applicable to a given dynamical theory. This volume takes the point of view of a particle theory, based on the irreducible representations of the Poincare group, the group that expresses the symmetry of Einstein relativity. There are several ways of formulating such a theory; we develop what is called relativistic point form quantum mechanics, which, unlike quantum field theory, deals with a fixed number of particles in a relativistically invariant way.
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Publication date: 14 March 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Relativity, Symmetry and the Structure of the Quantum Theory
By (author) William H Klink, Sujeev Wickramasekara
The history of how quantum mechanics was developed is a fascinating one and underlies the focus of this book; namely, given the rules that the founders of quantum mechanics developed, is it possible to find principles that lead to the structure of quantum mechanics as it was historically formulated? This is the first book in a series of works considering what particular relativity is applicable to a given dynamical theory. The series considers Newton, Einstein, and de Sitter relativities, while this book examines the unitary irreducible representations of the Galilei group and see how they provide the framework for Galilean quantum theory.
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Publication date: 01 April 2014
Ebook (VitalSource):
Order from Force
By (author) Jeffrey H Williams
The intention of this book is to introduce ideas of how the visible world, and those parts of it that we cannot observe, either because they are too small or too large for our scale of perception, can be understood by consideration of only a few fundamental forces. My subject in these pages will be the authority of the commonly termed, laws of physics, which arise from the forces of nature, and the corresponding constants of nature.
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Publication date: 01 December 2015
Ebook (VitalSource):
Discrete Quantum Mechanics
By (author) H Thomas Williams
We begin with a presentation of a minimal set of von Neumann postulates while introducing language and notation to facilitate subsequent discussion of quantum calculations based in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We also address two-state quantum systems, entanglement of multiple two-state systems, quantum angular momentum theory and quantum approaches to statistical mechanics. A concluding chapter gives an overview of issues associated with quantum mechanics in continuous infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
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Publication date: 01 December 2015
Ebook (VitalSource):
Solid-State NMR
Contributions by Professor Erick Dufourc, Professor Gerhard Grobner, Associate Professor Philip Williamson, Professor Michael Morrow, Professor Jenifer Thewalt, Professor Valerie Booth, Professor Isabelle Marcotte, Mr Alexandre Poulhazan, Dr Alexandre Arnold, Dr Dror Warschawski, Professor Suzana Straus, Mr Allen Takayesu, Dr Prashant Kumar, Professor Anne Ulrich, Dr Stephan Grage, Dr Sergeii Afonin, Professor Burkhard Bechinger, Mr Evgeniy Salnikov, Dr Boyan Bonev, Dr Vivien Yeh, Professor P.K. Madhu, Dr Kaustubh R. Mote, Professor Patrick van der Wel, Professor Daniel Huster, Professor Gianluigi Veglia, Dr Daniel Weber, Mr Erik Larsen, Dr Tat Gopinath, Professor Lynmarie Thompson, Dr Nikita Malik, Professor Vladimir Ladizhansky, Mr Peng Xiao, Professor Rasmus Linser, Ms Julia Kotschy Edited by Frances Separovic, Marc-Antoine Sani
Publication date: 03 December 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Extreme Solar Particle Storms
Contributions by Dr. Melanie Baroni, Dr. Edward Cliver, Prof. Clive Dyer, Dr. Yusuke Ebihara, Mr. Aryeh Feinberg, Dr. Hisashi Hayakawa, Prof. Timothy Jull, Dr. Gennady Kovaltsov, Prof. Kanya Kusano, Prof. Hiroyuki Maehara, Dr. Florian Mekhaldi, Prof. Yasuyuki Mitsuma, Prof. Raimund Muscheler, Prof. Markku Oinonen, Prof. Dmitry Sokoloff, Dr. Eugene Rozanov, Dr. Timofei Sukhodolov, Prof. Lukas Wacker, Prof. Fayin Wang, Prof. David Willis Edited by Professor Fusa Miyake, Professor Ilya Usoskin, Dr Stepan Poluianov
Publication date: 03 December 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Characterisation Methods in Solid State and Materials Science
By (author) Kelly Morrison
Publication date: 21 October 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lung Cancer and Imaging
Contributions by Mr Ahmed Shaffie, Dr Ahmed Soliman, Dr Ali Mahmoud, Dr Adel Elmaghraby, Dr Fatma Taher, Mr Aryan Mobiny, Dr Supratik Kumar Moulik, Dr Naveen Garg, Dr Carol Wu, Dr Hien Van Nguyen, Professor Chung-Ming Lo, Assistant Professor/Dr Meng-Hua Tao, Ms. Saima Malik, Dr. Nosheen Masood, Iqra, Dr. Stefania Rizzo, Dr. Filippo Del Grande, Prof. Francesco Petrella, Ms Anine Crous, Prof Heidi Abrahamse, Ms Hongli Yu, Professor Weifen Zhang, Professor Wentong Li, Associate Professor Jinxiang Xi, Professor and Chair Xiuhua Si, Ms. May Phu Paing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuchart Pintavirooj, Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Hamamoto, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supan Tungjitkusolmun, Professor Lulu Wang, Dr. Mohammed Ghazal, Dr Hadil Abu Khalifeh Edited by Ayman El-Baz, Jasjit Suri
Lung Cancer and Imaging provides an introduction to the methods currently used in lung cancer diagnosis and the promising new techniques that are emerging. Areas covered include the major trends and challenges in lung cancer detection and diagnosis, classification of cancer types, lung feature extraction in joint PET/CT images, and algorithms in the area of low dosage CT lung cancer images.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Analysis of the Alkali Metal Diatomic Spectra
By (author) Jin-Tae Kim, Bongsoo Kim, William C Stwalley
This book illustrates the complementarity of molecular beam (MB) spectra and ultracold molecule (UM) spectra in unraveling the complex electronic spectra of diatomic alkali metal molecules, using KRb as the prime example. Researchers interested in molecular spectroscopy, whether physicist, chemist, or engineer, may find this book helpful and may be able to apply similar ideas to their molecules of interest.
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Publication date: 01 December 2014
Ebook (VitalSource):
From Complex to Simple
By (author) Dan A Mazilu, Irina Mazilu, H Thomas Williams
This book presents simple interdisciplinary stochastic models meant as a gentle introduction to the field of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It focuses on the analysis of two-state models with cooperative effects and explores a variety of mathematical techniques to solve the master equations that govern these models. The models discussed are at the confluence of nanophysics, biology, mathematics and the social science, and they provide a pedagogical path toward understanding the complex dynamics of particle self-assembly with the tools of statistical physics.
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Publication date: 22 August 2018
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Rays, Waves and Photons
By (author) William Wolfe
Publication date: 21 August 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A Stars
By (author) Dr Swetlana Hubrig, Dr Markus Schöller
Publication date: 28 June 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):