Single-particle Cryo-EM of Biological Macromolecules
Contributions by Paul D Adams, Pavel V Afonine, Xiao-chen Bai, Matthew L. Baker, Anchi Cheng, Yifan Cheng, Radostin Danev, Timothy Grant, Basil J Greber, Nikolaus Grigorieff, Patricia Grob, J Bernard Heymann, Benjamin A Himes, Corey F Hryc, Brian P Hudson, Agnel Praveen Joseph, Catherine L Lawson, Dorothee Liebschner, Steven Ludtke, Dmitry Lyumkis, Sony Malhotra, Takanori Nakane, Melanie D Ohi, Grigore Pintilie, Jane S Richardson, Alexis Rohou, Peter B Rosenthal, John L Rubinstein, Sjors H. W. Scheres, Dimitry Tegunov, Thomas C. Terwilliger, Rebecca F. Thompson, Maya Topf, Jasenko Zivanov Edited by Robert M Glaeser, Eva Nogales, Wah Chiu
Publication date: 19 May 2021
Ebook (VitalSource):
The Everyday Physics of Hearing and Vision
By (author) Benjamin de Mayo
Humans receive the vast majority of sensory perception through the eyes and ears. This non-technical book examines the everyday physics behind hearing and vision to help readers understand more about themselves and their physical environment. It begins with a thorough discussion of sound and light waves, then goes on to discuss how our eyes and ears gather and process information from those waves.
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Publication date: 01 April 2014
Ebook (VitalSource):
Liquid Crystals
By (author) Benjamin Outram
Publication date: 26 September 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Elements of Photoionization Quantum Dynamics Methods
By (author) Lampros A A Nikolopoulos
This book focuses on the RMT approach to multiphoton quantum dynamics, which is employed to tackle the problem of laser-induced atomic dynamics. This recently developed formulation has shown the potential to become a mainstream ab initio theoretical approach, which is capable of describing the quantum dynamics of multielectron quantum systems exposed in ultrashort intense laser pulses lasting at the femtosecond timescale (∼10−18 sec).
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Publication date: 22 March 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lasers and Their Application to the Observation of BoseEinstein Condensates
By (author) Richard A Dunlap
The first part of this text provides an overview of the physics of lasers and it describes some of the more common types of lasers and their applications. The second part of then describes the phenomenon of Bose–Einstein condensation.
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Ebook (VitalSource):
The Everyday Physics of Hearing and Vision (Second Edition)
By (author) Benjamin de Mayo
Publication date: 23 December 2020
Ebook (VitalSource):
Graphene Optics: Electromagnetic Solution of Canonical Problems
By (author) Ricardo A Depine
This book is a rigorous but concise macroscopic description of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and structures containing graphene sheets (two-dimensional structures). It presents canonical problems with translational invariant geometries, in which the solution of the original vectorial problem can be reduced to the treatment of two scalar problems, corresponding to two basic polarization modes. The book includes computational problems and makes use of the Python programming language to make numerical calculations accessible to any science student. Many figures within are accompanied by Python scripts.
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Publication date: 01 January 2017
Ebook (VitalSource):
Classical Mechanics, Volume 4
By (author) Gregory A DiLisi
Classical Mechanics: The universal law of gravitation focuses on the notion that forces act through their associated fields, which is first introduced when discussing Newton’s universal law of gravitation. A huge conceptual leap is required from the reader: an object can cause another object to move without even touching it. This is a difficult concept to reconcile with our everyday experiences but it makes perfect sense when we realize that is exactly how the Earth acts on us. Gravity is able to pull on us even though we are not in direct contact with the Earth. Also, the concept of super-position (and when it is applicable) is introduced. Super-position is crucial to the development of problem-solving skills so it will be illustrated in a number of example problems.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Classical Mechanics, Volume 1
By (author) Gregory A DiLisi
Classical Mechanics: Tools and vectors is simply about transmitting information. The conventions used to transmit certain types of numerical information are crucial concepts that must be addressed at the outset of any series on classical mechanics by discussing scalars versus vectors for example.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Novel Microstructures for Solids
By (author) Richard A Dunlap
Until the 1980s, experimental evidence suggested that virtually all solid materials were either amorphous or ordered three-dimensional structures with translational and rotational symmetry that were described by classical crystallographic concepts. Since then, a number of structures that stretch the concept of a crystalline material have been discovered. This book describes the structure and properties of quasicrystalline materials, reviews some of the unique phases that have been observed for elemental carbon, and discusses them in the context of related materials with traditional crystallographic order.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Set Theory for Physicists
By (author) Nicolas A Pereyra
This book provides a rigorous, physics-focused introduction to set theory that is geared towards natural science majors. The science major is presented with a robust introduction to set theory, which concentrates on the specific knowledge and skills that will be needed for calculus and natural science topics in general.
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Publication date: 10 May 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
A Journey into Reciprocal Space
By (author) A M Glazer
This book introduces undergraduate and graduate students to a crystallographer’s view of real and reciprocal space, a concept that has been of particular use by crystallographers to understand the patterns of spots when X-rays are diffracted by crystals. It then proceeds to develop the concept in a form suitable for physics applications; such as how solid-state physicists use reciprocal space to explain various solid-state properties such as thermal and electrical phenomena.
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Publication date: 31 October 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Essential Semiconductor Laser Device Physics
By (author) A F J Levi
The invention of the semiconductor laser along with silica glass fiber has enabled an incredible revolution in global communication infrastructure of direct benefit to all. Development of devices and system concepts that exploit the same fundamental light-matter interaction continues. Researchers and technologists are pursuing a broad range of emerging applications, everything from automobile collision avoidance to secure quantum key distribution. This book sets out to summarize key aspects of semiconductor laser device physics and principles of laser operation.
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Publication date: 17 July 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Logic for Physicists
By (author) Nicolas A Pereyra
This book gives a rigorous yet physics focused introduction to mathematical logic that is geared towards natural science majors. We present the science major with a robust introduction to logic, focusing on the specific knowledge and skills that will unavoidably be needed in calculus topics, and natural science topics in general, rather than taking a philosophical-math-fundamental oriented approach that is commonly found in mathematical logic textbooks.
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Publication date: 12 June 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
Classical Mechanics, Volume 2
By (author) Gregory A DiLisi
Classical Mechanic: Kinematics and uniformly accelerated motion focuses on the difference between asking, “How does an object move?” and “Why does an object move?”. This distinction requires a paradigm shift in the mind of the reader. Therefore, the reader must train themselves to clarify, “Am I trying to describe how the object moves or why the object moves?”.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Classical Mechanics, Volume 3
By (author) Gregory A DiLisi
Classical Mechanics: Newton’s laws and uniform circular motion focuses on the question: “Why does an object move?”. To answer that question, we turn to Isaac Newton. The hallmark of any good introductory physics series is its treatment of Newton’s laws of motion. These laws are difficult concepts for most readers for a number of reasons: they have a reputation as being difficult concepts; they require the mastery of multiple sub-skills; and problems involving these laws can be cast in a variety of formats.
Ebook (VitalSource):
Particle Physics
By (author) Richard A Dunlap
The description of particle structure on the basis of the Standard Model, along with recent discoveries concerning neutrino properties, provides us with a comprehensive picture of the properties of subatomic particles. This book provides an overview of the Standard Model of particle physics, including an overview of the discovery and properties of the Higgs boson. It also summarizes the important investigations into the physics of neutrinos and provides an overview of the interpretation of these studies.
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Publication date: 02 December 2018
Ebook (VitalSource):
An Introduction to Liquid Crystals
By (author) Gregory A DiLisi
Practically every display technology in use today relies on the flat, energy-efficient construction made possible by liquid crystals. These displays provide visually-crisp, vibrantly-colored images that a short time ago were thought only possible in science fiction. Yet, although liquid crystals provide us with visually stunning displays, fascinating applications, and are a rich and fruitful source of interdisciplinary research, their full potential may remain untapped.
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Publication date: 24 September 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers
By (author) Matt A Wood
This book provides an introduction to the core features of the Python programming language and Matplotlib plotting routings for scientists and engineers (or students of either discipline) who want to use Python to analyse data, simulate physical processes, and render publication-quality plots. No previous programming experience is needed before reading the first page.
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Publication date: 01 June 2015
Ebook (VitalSource):
Essential Classical Mechanics for Device Physics
By (author) A F J Levi
Continued advances in the precision manufacturing of new structures at the nanometer scale have provided unique opportunities for device physics. This book sets out to summarize those elements of classical mechanics most applicable for scientists and engineers studying device physics. Supplementary MATLAB® materials are available for all figures generated numerically.
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Publication date: 15 September 2016
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Introduction to Lie Theory with Applications
By (author) William A Schwalm
This book provides an introduction to Lie theory for first-year graduate students and professional physicists who may not have come across the theory in their studies. It is an overview of the theory of finite groups, a brief description of a manifold, and an informal development of the theory of one-parameter Lie groups. Interested readers should acquire a tool that is complete and that actually works to simplify or solve differential equations as well as moving them on to other topics.
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Publication date: 12 April 2017
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Electrons in Solids
By (author) Richard A Dunlap
The transport of electric charge through most materials is well described in terms of their electronic band structure. This book, however, deals with two cases where the charge transport in a solid is not described by the simple band structure picture of the solid. These cases are related to the phenomena of the quantum Hall effect and superconductivity.
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Publication date: 12 September 2019
Ebook (VitalSource):
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals
By (author) William A Schwalm
This volume is a basic introduction to certain aspects of elliptic functions and elliptic integrals that has evolved as part of the first semester of a course on theoretical and mathematical methods given to first- and second-year graduate students in physics and chemistry at the University of North Dakota. It introduces the subject as a moderate extension of ordinary trigonometry in which the reference circle is replaced by an ellipse. The complex analytic properties are introduced naturally so that a more complete study becomes possible. Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals is the first volume to be published from the lecture series Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics from William A Schwalm.
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Publication date: 31 December 2015
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Ebook (VitalSource):
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
By (author) William A Schwalm
This book is the sequel to Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Introduction to Lie Theory with Applications. This volume is devoted mostly to Lie groups, Lie algebras and generating functions, both for standard special functions and for the solution of certain types of physical problems.
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Publication date: 07 March 2019
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Ebook (VitalSource):
From Complex to Simple
By (author) Dan A Mazilu, Irina Mazilu, H Thomas Williams
This book presents simple interdisciplinary stochastic models meant as a gentle introduction to the field of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It focuses on the analysis of two-state models with cooperative effects and explores a variety of mathematical techniques to solve the master equations that govern these models. The models discussed are at the confluence of nanophysics, biology, mathematics and the social science, and they provide a pedagogical path toward understanding the complex dynamics of particle self-assembly with the tools of statistical physics.
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Publication date: 22 August 2018
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Ebook (VitalSource):