Publication date:
01 December 2021Length of book:
130 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750327251
Collaboration is a defining feature of 21st-century research, with more and more people routinely traversing formal disciplinary boundaries in the quest for fundamental and applied scientific discovery – even when it takes them beyond their core domain knowledge and expertise. This book takes a practical approach to support researchers in their collaborative practice. This book will help readers to overcome common barriers to research collaboration, preparing them to form high-quality collaborations within a supportive organisational culture. Suitable for researchers at all levels, this book serves a global audience. It is as relevant for PhD students and postdoctoral scientists as it is to senior research managers working across academia, government agencies and industry. It also provides an invaluable reference for key stakeholders in the wider ecosystem supporting and facilitating research and innovation.
Key Features:
- Timeliness and relevance for 21st-century research teams
- Suitable for researchers in all disciplines and at all career stages – i.e. PhD student through to senior research management
- By authors with unique real-world experience of facilitating and supporting research collaborations
- Aiming to give readers tools and approaches that they can use and apply to develop their own research practice/behaviours.