Classical Mechanics
A professorstudent collaboration
Contributions by Antonio dAlfonso del Sordo, Camilla Tacconis, Enrico Caprioglio, Lodovico Scarpa, Sheila María Pérez García, Muhammad Tayyab Shabbir Edited by Mario Campanelli

Publication date:
13 August 2020Length of book:
374 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750326889
Classical Mechanics: A professor–student collaboration is a textbook tailored for undergraduate physics students embarking on a first-year module in Newtonian mechanics. This book was written as a unique collaboration between Mario Campanelli and students that attended his course in classical mechanics at University College London. Taking his lecture notes as a starting point, and reflecting on their own experiences studying the material, the students worked together with Campanelli to produce a comprehensive course text that covers a familiar topic from a new perspective.
All the fundamental topics are included, starting with an overview of the core mathematics and then moving on to statics, kinematics, dynamics and non-inertial frames, as well as fluid mechanics, which is often overlooked in standard university courses. Clear explanations and step-by-step examples are provided throughout to break down complicated ideas that can be taken for granted in other standard texts, giving students the expertise to confidently tackle their university tests and fully grasp important concepts that underpin all physics and engineering courses.
Key Features
- Written in collaboration with students, offering a revolutionary method of delivering knowledge between peers
- Based on the lectures of UCL professor Mario Campanelli, who has 25 years of teaching experience
- Clearly explains the physical concepts and the mathematical background behind classical mechanics
- Exercises in each chapter allow students to test their understanding of the concepts
No subject index is supplied, though the Contents list gives some guidance on where to find topics, by chapter and appendix number. A ‘Further reading’ list refers to many well-established books with the same title as this one; most of them including sections on Special Relativity. As one might expect, given a panel of authors which includes many young students, this is a very approachable and enthusiastic treatment of the topic and will lay a firm foundation for further courses in Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy.
David J. Miller 2021 Taylor & Francis Group Contemporary Physics