Radiation Dose Management of Pregnant Patients, Pregnant Staff and Paediatric Patients
Diagnostic and interventional radiology
Contributions by Dr Antonios Papadakis, Dr Kostas Perisinakis, Dr John Stratakis, Dr Virginia Tsapaki Edited by John Damilakis

Publication date:
06 December 2019Length of book:
227 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750313186
X-ray diagnostic or interventional examinations are needed during pregnancy to provide information for significant medical problems and emergency situations. When this occurs, it is important to follow the right steps to minimize conceptus radiation dose. Occasionally, pregnant patients are also exposed accidentally to X-rays. These patients need different dose management in comparison with those exposed intentionally. Furthermore, proper dose management is needed for pregnant staff working with X-rays. Additionally, the dose management of paediatric patients undergoing radiology procedures requires special attention because children are especially vulnerable to X-rays. They have longer life expectancy to develop radiogenic health effects and they receive a higher radiation dose than necessary if the acquisition protocol is not adjusted to their small body size.
This book reflects the broad advances that have been made in the field of medical dosimetry and medical radiation protection, and it provides information about the practical use of new information in radiation dose management of pregnant patients, pregnant staff and paediatric patients in diagnostic and interventional radiology. It is suitable for students, lecturers, researchers and practitioners interested in the fields of medical dosimetry, medical radiation protection and diagnostic and interventional radiology.
I enjoyed reading the book and recommend it not only for teaching purposes as already mentioned, but as a reference book on the radiation exposure of pregnant women or children, not only for any medical physicist in diagnostic radiology, but also for interested radiologists or radiographers, too.
Markus Buchgeister 2020 EFOMP Summer News Issue, European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics