Simulating Large-Scale Structure for Models of Cosmic Acceleration
By (author) Baojiu Li

Publication date:
30 October 2018Length of book:
200 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750315852
Simulating Large-Scale Structure for Models of Cosmic Acceleration explores alternative cosmological models and how we can learn from these as well as differentiate them from the standard cosmic model. It also looks at the ways in which techniques can be used to accurately develop and test the model to produce new observations. This self-contained book provides a fundamental guide to researchers looking to enter the field of cosmological simulations. Postgraduate students will also find it of use as the need for numerical simulations and astronomical surveys increases. The book contains a significant amount of Baojiu Li’s own research, as well as assistance from other experts and collaborators in the field, and it will certainly encourage others to explore the ever-expanding world of cosmic acceleration.
I highly recommend this book to anyone entering the field of numerical simulations of non-standard cosmologies, who will find here an apt introduction to the topic.
The book does not provide an index for its use as reference work, but the clear presentation and organization
of the chapters makes it easy to navigate, and the appendix gives a summary of frequently-used mathematical relations and manipulations for look-up. Finally, the reading material is nicely illustrated by many well-prepared colour figures, which makes for a joyful read.
Lucas Lombriser 2020 The Observatory Magazine