Infrared Imaging
A casebook in clinical medicine
Contributions by Allen John, Kurt Amsler, K Bilska, Steven Burnett, Rui Carvalho, Miroslaw Dabrowski, Costanzo Di Maria, Jane Dickinson, Ana Domingues, Rafal Dulski, Liliana Esteves, V Flower, Ian Forrest, Joaquim Gabriel, Z Gacion, Betka L Gadomska, Lech Gawron, Grainne Gorman, Ryszard Grenda, Bridget Griffiths, D Hart, Katarzyna Jobs, Boleslaw Kalicki, Marek Klewar, Jakub Klimkiewicz, A Koszycka, Rafal Kuligowski, Nicola Leech, Aleksander Ligezinski, A Lipinska-Opalka, Weronika Machura, Ana Marques, Marcin Mozanski, J Mróz, Piotr Murawski, B Nurowska-Wrzosek, Crispian Oates, J Oliveira, Michal Osiecki, J D Pauling, Wojciech Perdzynski, Petros Perros, Madalena Pimenta, Cezary Pogorzelski, Marco Rebelo, Derek Robertshaw, Radoslaw Rózycki, A Rustecka, Bartosz Rustecki, J Shipley, Marek Stanczyk, W Stankiewicz, Andrej Stankiewicz, David Talbot, Joao Torres, Pawel Twarkowski, Ricardo Vardasca, W Wozniak, Pawel Zaborowski, Stanislaw Zmuda Edited by Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber

Publication date:
01 September 2015Length of book:
161 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750311441
It is pleasing to see this long-awaited follow up to the original "Casebook" now available in print and as an e-book. This new book, richly illustrated throughout with colour thermograms, sets out to bring the reader up-to-date. The technical section is particulary strong, with Francis Ring and Kurt Ammer discussing therograhic protocols and image analysis standards authoritatively.
The Casebook is nonetheless one of the most comprehensive collections of clinical thermography cases ever published in one text, and would be a valuable addition to any thermographer's bookshelf.
Kevin Howell 2016 Thermology International, Austrian Society of Thermology