The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Theory and Practice

By (author) Jason Wright, Macy Huston

Publication date:

Q3 2025

Length of book:

500 pages


Institute Of Physics Publishing



ISBN-13: 9780750347945

The book is designed as a textbook for a graduate or advanced undergraduate course in SETI, exploring the history, theory, and methods of the field. It provides a history and description of modern methods in the major types of SETI (including searches for radio, laser, solar system, and artifact technosignatures) theoretical concepts in SETI (including the Drake equation, Kardaschev scale, and Fermi Paradox), different philosophical approaches to SETI (including game theory, Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), and anthropocentrism), and social aspects of the field (including postdetection protocols and ethical considerations).

Key Features:

  • Written by a leading researcher in the field
  • Provides a broad, interdisciplinary approach
  • Based on the successful SETI courses at Penn State
  • Flexible assignments and identification of key primary sources allows adaptation for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and even non-astronomy students in related fields