Smart External Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for Drug and Gene Delivery (Second Edition)

By (author) Mahdi Karimi, Amir Ghasemi, Michael R Hamblin

Publication date:

Q3 2025

Length of book:

120 pages


Institute Of Physics Publishing



ISBN-13: 9780750334730

This book will be an expanded second edition of Smart External Stimulus-Responsive Nanocarriers for Drug and Gene Delivery, originally published in 2015. The proposed book aims to cover the latest achievements in the general field of smart drug delivery systems, and stimuli responsive carriers in particular. In addition, the authors are going to highlight dual responsive nanocarriers and the main challenges in the proposed field. The important subject of nanotoxicology will also be covered in this book.

The external stimuli in this book will include those physical energies and forces, which can be applied from outside the body either to guide a nanovehicle to its destination, or to activate it at a specific location once it has arrived. These stimuli include light, temperature (which can be either internal or external), magnetic fields, ultrasound, and electrical and mechanical forces.