Gas Sensor Technologies for Environmental Sensing
By (author) Stefan Palzer

Publication date:
30 April 2025Length of book:
125 pagesPublisher
Institute Of Physics PublishingDimensions:
ISBN-13: 9780750331579
This book presents and evaluates the most common, basic gas sensing technologies and their respective potential against the background of user requirements. Aimed at providing a signpost to end-users with regard to the gas sensing technology that is suitable for different measurement scenarios it starts with a concise summary of the basic working principles that are commonly used in gas sensing. Based on this the potential of these technologies with respect to selectivity, sensitivity, stability, and the potential for miniaturization is discussed. In particular, the book shall focus on techniques that allow for gathering reliable information about the composition of gaseous samples and includes examples of applications and a discussion as to why a specific technology is used in these situations. The book is primarily aimed at end-users of gas sensing technology who need to be able to judge the different technological offers available. Especially in industrial and environmental monitoring applications it is indispensable to obtain reliable chemical information. Too often time and money are unnecessarily spent on unsuitable equipment. At the same time there is a lack of knowledge on the end-user side with regard to which techniques might be suitable in principle. The book will address this issue in particular.