Publication date:
21 December 2016Length of book:
104 pagesPublisher
Morgan & Claypool PublishersISBN-13: 9781681744452
He’s back! “The Physicist” returns with an entirely new compilation of questions and answers from his long-lived website where laypeople can ask questions about anything physics related. This book focuses on adjectives (practical, beautiful, surprising, cool, frivolous) instead of nouns like the first two books (atoms, photons, quanta, mechanics, relativity). The answers within Physics is… are responses to people looking for answers to fascinating (and often uninformed) questions. It covers topics such as sports, electromagnetism, gravitational theory, special relativity, superheroes, videogames, and science fiction.
These books are designed for laypeople and rely heavily on concepts rather than formalism. That said, they keep the physics correct and don’t water down, so expert physicists will find this book and its two companion titles fun reads. They may actually recognize similar questions posed to them by friends and family. As with the first two books, Physics is… ends with a chapter with questions from people who think that “The Physicist” is a psychic and from people who think they have the answers to life, the universe and everything.
These books are designed for laypeople and rely heavily on concepts rather than formalism. That said, they keep the physics correct and don’t water down, so expert physicists will find this book and its two companion titles fun reads. They may actually recognize similar questions posed to them by friends and family. As with the first two books, Physics is… ends with a chapter with questions from people who think that “The Physicist” is a psychic and from people who think they have the answers to life, the universe and everything.